The Great Conjunction
In astrology, a conjunction is when two planets meet at the same degree of the zodiac and the energies of the planets involved become momentarily fused. It’s a concentration of power colored by the degree of the zodiac where the event is occurring. It also represents a “New Moon” phase in the cycle of the planets concerned. A New Moon is for new beginnings. A new paradigm that holds the flavor of the sign and for us personally, the house, where we find the conjunction. The conjunction is the beginning of a longer cycle that unfolds over time through crisis (squares) and culminations (oppositions) or Full Moon phases. On December 21st 2020, we’ll experience what is known as A Great Conjunction because it involves the two gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets have conflicting energies. Jupiter is optimism, expansion, and abundance, while Saturn is maturity, restriction, and hard work. When they meet we’re faced with a powerful fresh start in how we use these energies in the area of life that they are affecting for us personally based on the house placement of the conjunction. It’s about putting in the slow and steady work in order to achieve greatness. This aspect is known as the “king maker” for obvious reasons and often coincides with massive shifts in political power. People with this conjunction in their natal chart often have tremendous power at their disposal to manifest things and reach a high station in life. While this conjunction happens every 20 years, this is the closest these planets will come to the Earth since 1623. These conjunctions happen in patterns occurring in a certain element for approximately 200 years. For the last 200 years these conjunctions have been occurring in Earth signs save for in 1980 when these planets met in Air signs giving us a taste of what we’re about to experience. Earth energy is concerned with material resources and security and is resistant to change. But now a major shift happens as we enter 0 degrees of Aquarius and begin 200 years of these planets meeting up in the element of Air. The Air signs, Aquarius in particular, will bring disruption to the collective. Massive shifts in communication and the established order of things awaits us. Air signs are more free and open to artistic, intellectual, and innovative ideas.
Aquarius is the sign of the rebel and the visionary. There’s great potential for activists and revolutionaries to organize and truly create a more dynamic world. Saturn’s structure, limitation, and crystallization combined with Jupiter’s ability to multiply ignites powerful possibilities for systemic change.
There are two sides to this however. Aquarius is also the sign of technology and technological advancement. So we are also going to see the rapid expansion of structural machines. Robots, mechanical beings outfitted with Artificial Intelligence, nanotechnology, and Virtual Reality are going to explode and seem to come out of nowhere. While some of this maybe fascinating and helpful there are many pitfalls here. We must be careful not to become enveloped by the illusion of digital worlds, getting lost in realms that may seem fascinating but are ultimately artificial. We must be vigilant in resisting the urge to fully merge with technology and completely turn away from nature. There’s a dark path that can lead to total enslavement if we’re not properly discerning.
One thing is for sure however. The old way of doing things is crumbling and it’s up to us to decide what we put in it’s place. Will we create a society truly for all, where there is equal access to the resources of survival and medicine or will the Technocracy imprison the collective in its grip of surveillance capitalism? It’s all about how we use these energies.
Saturn is strong in Aquarius as it is the ancient ruler of this sign. The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus and we’ll see a clash between Saturn and Uranus in 2021 so we can expect changes that we don’t want at first. There will be financial upheavals as new types of banking and colossal monetary shifts occur. Cryptocurrency will explode and nations will scramble to make their own digital currency. China is already way ahead with their version of a coin that is backed by gold.
Jupiter, while less powerful than Saturn in this sign, is working to bring expansion and growth. The wisdom is to work within the limitations of Saturn to achieve the abundance of Jupiter. No shortcuts. Slow and steady up the hill towards enlightenment, joy, and freedom. Innovation that inspires spiritual oneness are great possibilities for the future if we avoid the pitfalls.
It is incredibly significant that this conjunction is happening at 0 Degrees of Aquarius as it is a critical or “anaretic” degree meaning that there is karma associated with it. But the first degree of any sign is fresh, undiluted energy so we must embrace the true nature of Aquarius. We must strive for equality, individualism within the collective, and a massive shift in consciousness. It’s time to bring Christ Consciousness to every individual in order to ascend to the higher planes of existence. As we move into this exciting and novel change we may see disclosure of Extraterrestrial life interacting with our planet. This could be shocking and, if we’re not vigilant, another way to ignite war or erode personal freedoms.
Image by Todd Carter
I encourage everyone to get out there and witness this event of great significance. Look up at these two planetary bodies and say a little prayer. Invite in all the positive changes you’d like to see in the world and release whatever no longer serves. Individually, and depending on where this conjunction is happening in your natal chart, we can use this time to release old ways of doing things and baggage that we’ve held onto for too long so we can advance towards our soul’s mission unfettered. Utilize this energy to build structures that unlock your full potential. You can truly make your dreams into a reality. We can do this… together.