The Great Central Sun
Everything in the material sphere has a corresponding yet hidden spiritual component. Another way to think about it is that everything has a soul. Everything has an animating principle, an invisible, ethereal portion that is connected to the Creator. Everything from dense rock, plants, animals, human beings, all the way up to planets and stars has a spirit. This concept is one that Scientific Materialism refuses to deal with even though their own experiments prove it to be true. If we have a “science” that’s concern is only to catalogue what can be measured objectively with our senses then we are missing out on 95% of what’s happening in the Universe. Through meditation, psychedelics, out-of-body experiences, psychic events, and altered states of consciousness of all kinds we’re given a glimpse into what’s possible in this vast and eternal spectrum of oneness. The scientific issue is that these are mostly subjective experiences, even though there have been many studies that verify the existence of ESP, science requires objective reasoning so there’s a paradox at play. How are we to bridge this gap between the supernatural and the propensity of “science” to ignore the mystical?
The Universe is a giant mind and it’s connected by a neural network, just like our brains, as above so below. It’s comprised of distinct energetic patterns held at particular resonant frequencies that interact with each other. This process is so vast and complex that it’s impossible to grasp its enormity with our brains because we’re a fractal of the larger whole. This network is held together by a system of Central Suns. They are massive hubs of consciousness that govern a specific range of frequency where sub-levels of creation can take place. These Central Suns are conglomerates of consciousness that offer light and love to lower levels of awareness and experience.
In this sense. Suns are like the batteries of the Universe. The wattage of each Sun has a different resonate power and frequency that’s right for the level of learning that its particular solar system needs for growth. Each Sun is inherently connected to the light of Source energy so stars, Suns, and Central Suns are energetic portals that help to illuminate their portion of the Universe with the Creator’s loving light. It’s a point of integration between Spirit and Matter in the cosmos. Each Sun has its own Spirit that resides in another dimension containing millions of elevated consciousnesses.
These Suns are like a filtration system for the loving awareness of the Creator. They help sustain life and feed the growing levels of consciousness of the substrata that they govern and cultivate higher levels of awareness in the evolving life in its system. The power of Source is so tremendous that it will vaporize any consciousness whose resonate frequency is at a low vibration, so the Suns and Central Suns help to transmute this light into more manageable frequencies enabling lower levels of awareness to grow towards this immense vibration of love.
In our solar system, our Sun is part of a larger network of Central Suns. Our immediate Central Sun is Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It’s part of the grouping we call the Seven SIsters. It’s about 6 solar masses or 600 % of our Suns mass. It’s also 10 times the size so it’s gigantic. Our Sun is in constant communication with Alcyone. It’s like a cosmic dance that the two engage in as a way to pass information, energy, and insights on to the development of ascending collectives in this part of the galaxy. When our Sun gets closer to Alcyone consciousness ascends. As it moves further away, a period of darkness results.
This process is part of a 26,000 year cycle where our Sun, and solar system, completes a full cycle in its orbit around the Central Sun. It’s also connected to a larger 500,000, and 2,000,000 year cycles as we return to our source back to the Creator. As our Solar System makes its way through the Universe it passes through various energy fields in space. We are closing in on one of those energy fields now known as the Photon Belt. This is an incredibly spiritual field and is part of the even Greater Central Sun in our galaxy, Sirius. Photons of light emanate from the Central Sun and bathe our planet as we pass through it. It’s a process whereby the darkness of egoic unconsciousness is illuminated and upgrades in awareness transpire. It’s a process of synchronicity where our Sun, the Central Sun, and the Greater Central Sun align at the galactic center. This system is part of the Yuga Cycle, a cyclical pattern that initiates the decline and expansion of consciousness. We’re seeing a spike in awareness as more people wake up and darkness is exposed.
Sirius is roughly 26x brighter than our Sun and shines like a shimmering diamond in our skies. Many of the fixed stars in astrology are sending us beams of information and it can be beneficial to identify and communicate with them in the night sky when the opportunity arises. To have a planet or point in your chart at the degree of a fixed star has great meaning and effect on the life trajectory for better or worse. Regardless, the fixed stars are powerful portals of information transmission.
Think about the enormous force that our Sun exerts in our little corner of the galaxy. It takes immense power to hold 9 planets and thousands of asteroids in it’s orbit. Then contemplate the task of the Central Suns in holding entire solar systems in it’s grasp and we can get a sense of the magnitude of this galactic system of spiritual enfoldment.
The Grand Central Sun is the connection to source energy for all conscious existence within our universe. It’s like a giant battery that filters energy from Source and parses it out to other Central Suns so conscious awareness can grow in lower levels of experience all the way down to dense matter. So we are all connected to Source. Everything in the Universe is connected to this great Mind, all layers of consciousnesses up the ladder to our universal consciousness. The Universe is like a machine that absorbs conscious experience had by its lower-frequency components (all galaxies, systems, planetary realms, and incarnate beings) and shares that wealth of experience back to Source.
Everything is light. The entire Universe is comprised of the light of the Creator but at present our senses and instruments of measurement cannot detect the frequencies of light that fill the void. One of the purposes of this matrix dreamland is to shed the distortions and projections and open up to the light within us. It’s like a maze where at the center is you and you are made up of loving awareness. But we must use the illusion of the matrix to awaken. This is what Jesus meant when he said “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.” It’s not in this external material sphere we call reality.
The nature of the Sun is giving. It radiates light, heat, and energy and asks nothing in return. This is what we are all striving towards. To become beings that radiate life force energy with great power and wisdom. As we move towards the Central Sun it sends messages and vibrations that upgrade consciousness. If it feels our love it feeds it. If it feels our fear it sends us experiences that open us up to love and sometimes these can be difficult and full of upheaval. In the light, we can see the mirror’s reflection. We should all be striving to shed ourselves of ignorance and move towards the realization that underlying literally everything is an immense vibration of loving awareness. Coming into alignment with the Central Sun means opening the doorway of the heart and transmuting fear into love. We can move into a higher dimension where fear does not exist, our hearts burning with the fire of the Sun. So ultimately there’s nothing really to worry about. Even though ignorance and darkness seem real on this plane of existence, it’s all trending towards the light. We’ll all make it there one way or another, it’s just that the ride may be bumpier for some.