Destiny & Divine Timing
As an astrologer, I am often confronted with the idea of Destiny and with it the concept of Divine Timing. When looking at an individual’s chart it’s hard not to become aware that there appears to be a purpose to it all. A natural unfoldment of consciousness and spiritual growth as life progresses for each individual. There are key markers and moments that seem to be baked into the life itself, almost as if there are check points. Some might ask : Well what about the concept of free will? That’s where this can get tricky. Is it possible through free will to alter your trajectory? Can you reject your destiny? My theory is that we have a modicum of free will to make decisions that can take us off our path if we so choose but that there will be corrective mechanisms that continue to align us with our destiny. The further we veer from our path the more harsh the correction. There are many possibilities within the hologram, many choices that are available, but the lessons and goals will always somehow make their way to us. Some moments and people seem to be fated to appear in our lives and these can feel cosmic and unavoidable for better or worse. Even if it appears that we have strayed however, everything can still be looked at as having some kind of purpose and therefore a type of destiny. So it’s hard to challenge the idea regardless of the validity of free will, which in some ways may be illusory.
The circumstances of birth lend itself to a type of restriction. We are born into a certain family, in a certain place, under certain constraints. We are given a body with which to navigate this realm and these bodies have their limitations. The restrictions we find are there for a purpose, as a pushback to our desired mission. As a spirit, we may choose a set of circumstances or challenges to reconcile karma from past lives or to correct imbalances in a particular area of life. Even this idea of past and future is illusory as our Spirit exists in a dimension beyond time and space. So all things are happening simultaneously and from that perspective an even grander picture emerges. A moment of healing in this life may reverberate through time and reconcile all karma from all lifetimes. It can all be looked at as a lesson. A school. Along the path, however, there appears to be moments that speak to us, that have some inexplicable meaning or significance.
artist Jolene Casko
I think each of us can point to some occurrence in our lives that seemed so striking that it couldn’t be seen as merely coincidence. Carl Jung described Synchronicity as “meaningful coincidences” that lack a causal relationship yet feel deeply significant to the observer. This could be small moments like thinking of someone and having them phone but can also include encountering a stranger who provides crucial information at a critical moment or seeing an animal that doesn’t belong. In order for such a thing to even be possible it suggests that there is some type of interconnectedness between all things. When we are more highly attuned and present we can begin to see that these signs are everywhere if we care to pay attention.
The idea of destiny can be viewed through many different lenses and has been throughout antiquity. The ancient Greeks felt that events were dictated by unseen divine forces. Eastern philosophies looked at it through the idea of karma with cause and effect being a factor that determined our fate. Some see Destiny as a preordained course of events, suggesting that certain outcomes are inevitable, regardless of individual choices while other interpretations see it as a potential that one can strive toward, shaped by innate qualities, circumstances, and effort, but not guaranteed. Oubaitori is an ancient Japanese idiom that encourages people to focus on their own growth and not compare themselves to others. The idiom comes from the Japanese kanji for the four trees that bloom in spring: cherry, plum, peach, and apricot. The meaning is that everyone grows and blooms at their own pace, and that each person's path is uniquely beautiful.
Looking at life through this lens opens up the path of surrender. Simply allow your life to bloom in its proper season so the fruit can be plentiful. Similarly, relinquish the desire to control the path of another and permit them to live in accordance with their own soul’s destiny. Trust that Infinite Source has our highest good in mind when crafting this cosmic dreamscape. No amendments are necessary. There’s no mistakes. It’s all unfolding as it should.
From this perspective, life is a dance between destiny and free will, with moments and circumstances that carry a sense of inevitability, as well as others shaped by our choices. Here are some bullet points that may help to further illuminate this interplay:
Destined Moments and Circumstances
Soul Contracts and Agreements:
Before incarnating, your soul entered into agreements with other souls to meet, collaborate, love, or even challenge each other. These are the relationships and encounters that feel deeply significant, as if they were "meant to be." This maybe a process that unfolds over many lifetimes with many different circumstances.
These connections often serve as catalysts for growth, healing, and the fulfillment of your life purpose.
Turning Points:
Certain events or situations act as turning points that propel you onto the path your soul intended. These may feel serendipitous or even disruptive, but they are often imbued with a sense of divine timing.
Examples: a career-defining opportunity, meeting a soul partner, or a major challenge that reshapes your perspective and redirects you towards your purpose.
Places of Significance:
Some locations hold energetic imprints or memories from past lives, and visiting them can activate dormant aspects of your soul or reconnect you with forgotten wisdom.
Feeling drawn to specific cities, landscapes, or cultures often reflects this pull toward destined experiences.
Themes You Must Explore:
While specific details may vary, your soul carries overarching themes or lessons into each lifetime—such as love, self-worth, creativity, or service. Circumstances will arise to ensure these themes are addressed. The more conscious and aware we are of past life karma the easier it is to recognize the lesson and release the baggage.
The Role of Free Will
How You Respond Matters:
While certain people or events may be destined, your response shapes the experience. You hold the power to choose growth, love, and alignment—or to resist and delay the lesson. The more we resist the more the lesson repeats with increasing urgency to let go.
Free will allows you to rewrite the narrative, even within destined circumstances.
Paths Within Destiny:
Imagine life as a vast map with multiple routes leading to the same destination. Some paths are longer, some more challenging, but all are valid. Your choices determine the journey, not the ultimate destination.
What Must Be Experienced
Growth-Oriented Challenges:
Certain challenges or "hard stops" in life are meant to nudge you toward deeper self-awareness and alignment with your soul’s purpose. These experiences are unavoidable but always serve your highest good.
Profound Love and Loss:
Love in its many forms—romantic, familial, or platonic—is a cornerstone of human experience. Even loss teaches you to embrace impermanence and expand your capacity for compassion and connection.
Moments of Alignment:
There are times when everything seems to fall into place, as if the universe itself is conspiring for your success. These are often markers of alignment with your higher self and your soul’s mission.
Can Anything Be Missed?
I know that many times in my life I was overcome with fear that I was somehow missing out or had missed an opportunity but I no longer feel this fear. Nothing is ever really lost and there are many opportunities and ways to fulfill our destiny in this cosmic dance. When we can surrender and become truly aligned we see how everything fits perfectly.
If you resist a destined moment, the lesson or opportunity will reappear in a different form until you are ready to engage with it.
The universe is infinitely patient, always guiding you back to your path in divine timing.
Practical Guidance for Embracing Destiny
Follow Intuitive Nudges:
When you feel drawn to a person, place, or opportunity, trust that it may hold significance. Explore with curiosity and an open heart.
Embrace Synchronicities:
Pay attention to repeated patterns, symbols, or "coincidences." These are often signposts from your higher self or the universe.
Release Fear of Mistakes:
Know that every choice, even those that seem "off-track," contributes to your growth and wisdom. Trust in the unfolding.
Meditate on Your Soul’s Blueprint:
Spend time in quiet reflection or guided meditation to connect with your higher self and gain clarity about your soul’s purpose and current trajectory.
We are both the creator and the experiencer of our lives. Certain threads of destiny weave through our story, but the colors and patterns are ours to design. Trust that everything we encounter—destined or chosen—serves the masterpiece of our soul's evolution. Each step is sacred, and we are always being guided toward your highest good. Happy New Year!